For me, it all started when I discovered PSYCH-K® method as a client at a time when I was beginning my online business. There were countless challenges along the way, but thanks to this method, I managed to dissolve all the blocks and fears one by one and move forward each time. PSYCH-K® has become an integral part of my life, not only for myself but also in my work with clients.
What can the method PSYCH-K® help with?
This method can help with any issue you are dealing with in your life where you need to make a change.
- It helps you to see a path to resolving the problem
- It will support a shift in your thinking
- It gives you enough confidence to make a change.
However, it is important not to expect instant miracles and to understand that, besides changing your mindset, you will need to take real steps to support the change in your life.
It is possible to address any life topic – from various phobias to relationship and communication challenges, career changes, attitudes towards money, self-esteem, health issues, and more.
How does PSYCH-K® therapy work?
This method might be entirely new for you, and the session may look different from other therapies.
First, we will have a brief conversation about the topic you are bringing. What is currently not working for you and how you would like it to be different. Then, we will jointly create new statements (simple supportive sentences) that clearly and concisely reflect your new reality.
We will proceed with “rewriting” new beliefs into your subconscious. We have several tools at our disposal, and we will determine which technique is most suitable. Some techniques involve light movement, while others are performed standing, sitting, or lying down. Overall, it is about inner transformation.
We will conclude by creating an action plan. The action steps are not large, but rather micro-steps that will support you in living out in real life what we have changed in the subconscious.
Are you interested in the PSYCH-K® method? Where can you contact me?
I am the preferred facilitator of the PSYCH-K® method and I would be happy to support you. PSYCH-K® can be used to work with all areas of life (personal or professional relationships, parenting, various phobias and fears, self-confidence, health topics, etc.). I offer sessions online or in person in Dobřichovice near Prague (Czech Republic) – you can find more information on my website or arrange a session here.