Petra Vymětalíková

Petra Vymětalíková

My journey with the method PSYCH-K®

I was introduced to the PSYCH-K® method in 2019, and gradually, I became a PSYCH-K® facilitator. I’d like to share the journey I embarked on, the challenges I faced, and the successes I achieved along the way in this story.

What did this method bring me in my personal and professional life?

For years, I knew I wanted to work with people on an individual level. However, I couldn’t seem to find a method that resonated with my heart. Then, PSYCH-K® came into my life, and I instantly knew it was the one. I eagerly dove into the deepest learning possible.

PSYCH-K® is a practical and effective tool for me in everyday life, one that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

I also love supporting people, and it brings me immense joy to see how their lives transform step by step thanks to PSYCH-K®.

I am deeply grateful to have PSYCH-K® in my life. Not only does it help me with everyday challenges (handling occasional stress, setting boundaries, visiting the dentist, necessary communication with certain people, supporting my cats – just a small list that comes to mind), but also in personal and professional ones (job change, new directions in life, etc.).

You can find my whole story here or there is also this short video.

Are you interested in the PSYCH-K® method? Where can you contact me?

I am the preferred facilitator of the PSYCH-K® method and I would be happy to support you. The method PSYCH-K® can be used to work with all areas of life (personal or professional relationships, parenting, various phobias and fears, self-confidence, health topics, etc.). I offer sessions online or in person in Dobřichovice near Prague (Czech Republic) – you can find more information on my website or arrange a session here

Petra Vymětalíková


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